Housing | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust

Welcome to Housing Project page.  Each week we intend to give you a regular Thursday update on how projects are progressing.  Some weeks there will be lots of activity, others not so much.  If you have any questions - or have knowledge and skills you would like to bring to the project please do get in touch.


Latest news 10th October 2024

SFCT’s two houses at Inverfarigaig are nearing completion and will be advertised shortly.

CHT has allocated their four houses at Inverfarigaig. Four applications were received for the two for sale and forty four for the two for affordable rent.

 These figures highlight very clearly what our community have already told us - affordable purchase and rental accommodation provision in this area is a major problem. CHT provided some very useful data and feedback on the applications which will help SFCT to formulate a robust Housing Needs document and plan.

The reforming of the Housing group will be an important first step to look at how the community and SFCT can work together to find the best solutions going forward.


Latest news 23rd  July 2024

The Communities Housing Trust own four homes which are now available to rent or to buy in Inverfarigaig (two for sale and two for rent).  If this is something you might be interested in then please register your interest HERE.  The closing date is the 11th of August 2024. 

The Community Trust will have two more available to rent later in the year.


Latest news 6th June 2024

We have received drawdown from SSE, which will go alongside funding already received from the Rural Housing Fund.  The money from the Rural Housing fund will be utilised by the end of June this year and the SSE funds will be utilised in the next financial year.  At this stage we are on track to achieve this.


Latest news 30th May 2024

Work started this week on the next two houses at Inverfarigaig.


Latest news 9th May 2024

There is a site meeting on Monday for the start of two new homes at the site in Inverfarigaig.  These will join the other two already onsite.  Two of these properties will form rental accommodation and the other two will be available for purchase - one of these is already on the market.


Latest news 25th April 2024

The Trust are working through all the legal requirements at the moment, and putting into place the finances to take this forward.  Further information will be shared in due course.


Latest news 21st March 2024

Stratherrick and Foyers Community Trust have been awarded £227,535 to build two affordable homes for rent by Scottish Government.  The remainder of the funds required will be from a drawdown of SSE funds.  The homes, when built, will have a retail value of approximately £520,000.

The Trust are working with Communities Housing Trust (CHT).  If successful the pilot may lead to more homes in the area, a key objective of the Stratherrick and Foyers Community Action Plan and Place Plan.
The project will lead to four homes for affordable rent in the Inverfarigaig area, as part of six new homes in the area.  Two will be available to buy. 

The Community Council and Trust will give guidance on eligibility for the homes and CHT will manage the homes in the first instance.  Pending any issues during building we hope people will be able to move in by the end of the year.


Latest news 15th February 2024

Tony is due to meet with the Community Housing Trust on Thursday 29th February to discuss the next steps on developing this project.  Further information will be circulated following this meeting.


Latest news 27th July 2023

The purchase of the land adjacent to The Wildside Centre is now complete.  Some of this has been designated for affordable housing, and we will begin work towards this in the coming months.


Latest news 25th May 2023

Works on this project will progress soon.  In order to help drive this forward, we are recruiting for a CAP projects Officer - more information on this role can be found here.


Latest news 9th March 2023

Thank you to those who came along to our meeting last night - notes will be circulated in due course.


Latest news 9th February 2023

The next meeting is due to be held on 1st March, time to be confirmed.


Latest news 19th January 2023

A steering group meeting was held on Wednesday.  It was agreed that we would monitor the demand for housing at Inverfarigaig, as fits directly with the Community Action Plan.


Latest news 12th January 2023

Another meeting for the housing group is scheduled for the 18th January.


Latest news 15th December 2022

Yesterday the Housing team met with the Communities Housing Trust to begin looking at how to progress the housing project in Stratherrick and Foyers.  Further work is to be done both by CHT and our team and details of this will be shared with the action group in due course.


Latest news 1st December 2022

We have had an initial meeting to discuss the next steps in this project.  Once we receive the results from Nick's consultations we will work with the Community Housing Trust to outline our next actions.


Latest news 24th November 2022

We are aware that members of the community are keen to see this project move forward and the following work will feed into this; the results of the housing needs survey is in draft form and will be circulated shortly, and the information gathered by Nick Wright during the place plan consultations will help identify possible suitable locations for new housing.

If you are interested in self-builds, there is now funding available - click here for more information.


Latest news 3rd November 2022

The headline results from the housing survey are now in.  We hope to share the full results with the community shortly.


Latest news 27th October 2022

We hope to receive the results from the housing survey shortly - the headline results will be fed into the upcoming place plan events.


Latest news 13th October 2022

The community housing survey closed yesterday - thank you to those who expressed their views.   On the back of the survey results, we have been in discussion with the Rural Housing fund about how best to progress.


Latest news 6th October 2022

So far we have had 49 responses to our community housing survey - thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete it.  There is one week to go before the survey closes so don't miss out on your chance to have your say!  www.chtrust.co.uk/surveys


Latest update 22nd September 2022

If you would like to share your views on the needs for community housing in the area, please complete our survey here - www.chtrust.co.uk/surveys


Latest update 15th September 2022

The survey will be distributed online at www.chtrust.co.uk/surveys from Wednesday 21st September.  Please do take part and have your say.


Latest update 18th August 2022

We are currently preparing a Housing Needs survey with the help of The Housing Trust.  This will be circulated within the community in due course.

Project Team
Mark Sutherland
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